Sports Training and Performance

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Mir Sharif Hasan

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Published: 12 March 2020 | Article Type :


Sports performance in general sense that sportsmen’s preparation for acquiring best performances. It is the  physical, Technico-tactical and intellectual preparation of an athlete by physical load. In the training process  various hours are working mainly biological educational and psychological as well as many sided knowledges of  trainer and coach. The contents, the means and method as well as the organization of training becomes a binding  instruction for the activity of the coach. In case of loading (outer load) if it is not appropriate or insufficient no  super compensation will create in athlete’s organism. In training there should be a certain relation to the  individual performance capacity and loading capacity. If a coach planned to get top-level performance by his/her  athletes, he/she should formulate a workout with harder tasks which is to be solved during training. A gradual  increase in loading is not effective for the improvement of training condition but as an increase in form of steps  after certain intervals, there will be necessary adaptation and better training conditions will be achieved.  Increased training load causes contradictory reactions to actual capacity which enforce the organism to create  new regulation and adaptation process.  


Sports performance,  

Physical, Technico-tactical & intellectual preparation,

Organization of training in a binding instruction for coaches,  

Appropriate loading is the only process to get better training condition,

Training load should be increased in step form.

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How to Cite


Mir Sharif Hasan. (2020-03-12). "Sports Training and Performance." *Volume 2*, 1, 28-30